A Resolution for Love

“Love is based on our capacity to trust in a reality beyond fear, to trust a timeless truth bigger than all our difficulties.”

— Jack Kornfield

Happy New Year! Welcome 2020, a chance to start anew!

This is the time of year when we collectively resolve to make changes in our lives. These changes often involve a promise to abstain from a habit, lessen a certain behavior, create a new habit or do more of a particular activity.  This year I have heard clients and friends pledging to reduce their sugar intake, take a break from alcohol, eat healthier, go to the gym, be of service, become a volunteer, pay off school loans and focus on creative projects. What’s your resolution?

At the heart of our resolutions is a desire for a more fulfilling and healthy life. If we distill each desire, what we find is love. Whether you are moved to nourish your body, your mind or your soul, each one of these acts is grounded in love.

Loving yourself and others is a noble endeavor. The challenge is to remain resolute in your purpose. Can you make the choice to love yourself and others over and over again? Of course, there will be times when you falter. Can you choose to treat yourself with kindness and compassion even then?

My resolution for 2020 is to complete a book that has been tugging at me for over 10 years. During some of those years, I could not logistically find the time to sit down and write. I made other commitments that shaped my priorities. In more recent years, both life and I have created space for me to write. I did start my book and then stopped. I did write an occasional newsletter article. I realize that if I do not act on that inner tug and follow through, I will regret it. And so, I am choosing to love my desire and honor my dream.

I have committed to write 90 minutes, 3 times a week. This feels realistic and doable. I set a timer, sit down and trust the words will come. I breathe when my mind goes blank. I wait for the voice within to speak. It is a practice of patiently listening to my soul, the most loving act I can give myself.  Tears of truth well up as I write these words, because it is what my soul has longed for.

What tender loving care is your body, mind and soul longing for? Consider how your resolution is an act of love. Ask often, “What is the most loving action I can offer myself?” Appreciate yourself each time you act on your promise, each time you love yourself.

A resolution is the offering of a solution again and again. The origin of the word, solution is from the Latin solvere, which means “loosen” or untie the knot of a problem.

May you choose love as the solution to loosen harmful habits.
May you choose love as the solution to loosen the neglect or abandonment of your dreams.
May you choose love as the solution to loosen your fear and hate.
May you choose love always.
It is the only solution.


Weathering Emotional Storms