Living in the Rhythm of Easy Elegance
“The Tao never does anything, yet through it all things are done.
If powerful men and women could center themselves in it, the whole world would be transformed by itself, in its natural rhythms. People would be content with their simple, everyday lives, in harmony and free of desire.
When there is no desire, all things are at peace.”
— Lao-tzu
For years, I was driven by an inner taskmaster. Whether work-related or a volunteer commitment, I had a habit of taking on too much. I often found myself running late, because I had squeezed too many tasks into a given amount of time. My back ached from the pressure of constantly pushing forward. Tired and tense, I continued. Fully aware of the discomfort in my body, I failed to respond with kindness and care.
One day while leafing through a magazine, the phrase, The Rhythm of Easy Elegance caught my eye. As I read these words, I exhaled a deep sigh of relief. This phrase captured the essence of what I wanted in my life. It became my mantra. It is where I wanted to live.
I realized that both real and perceived expectations were driving me. Deeply embedded in my “operating system” was the belief that I had to prove my worth to be loved. Using my body’s signals and sensations to guide me, I became much more discerning about what I took on. I let go of trying to please others and be the person they wanted me to be. It was not always comfortable but learned to listen to and act on what I needed.
As time passed, I noticed the continuity of peace I felt in my body. Then it dawned on me, I had arrived. I was living in the rhythm of easy elegance!
Fear of disappointing others, fear of not measuring up, fear of being deemed “selfish”, fear of not being valued unless you produce, fear of what you might feel if you stop “running” are all fears that can disrupt your natural rhythm. You can get so habituated to being “out of rhythm” that you believe it is your natural state. To get in sync with your nature, it requires slowing down, focusing on your breath, listening to your body, sensing the peace and flow that is waiting for you. Here we align with what Chinese philosopher's call, Tao (pronounced Dao) meaning "the way".
Tao is the source of creation, nameless, inexpressible and undefinable, the natural universe and the way of nature as a whole. When at one with Tao there is no pushing or pulling, life unfolds and flows. You live in the rhythm of easy elegance.
Do you find yourself pushing against the current? Do you feel pressured and exhausted? Is hard for you to rest and relax? Would you like to feel peace? If so, connect with me for your free phone session to see how working together can help you align with your natural rhthym.