Honor Thy Mother

I imagine that like me you have been experiencing a range of emotions during this shelter-at-home period. Routines have been interrupted. Life is less predictable. For some, this time feels like a welcome respite and for others the isolation is too much to bear. Living alone and in the unknown can create anxiety. It can be difficult to remain grounded when fear is present, and yet our challenge is to remain grounded in the present. 

During my time at home, I have meditated and focused on connecting with Mother Earth, anchoring my body and being into her bedrock of support. Grounded, I experience the peace that lives within me.  The peace that is available to you too.

Sitting in silence I have been waiting for inspiration and guidance about how I can best be of service. In recent days, I have gained clarity about how I am to proceed.  As a result, I am excited to announce, "Soulful Sunday" a new online event. I am offering these events as a spiritual service to help you more fully embody the love that you are. 

This Sunday in honor of Mother's Day, we will spend time honoring all those who have mothered us, including Mother Earth. Through body-centered meditations, you will be guided to ground in her supportive, life-giving energy to nurture the seeds of love within your being. Together we will return this love to Mother Earth and all our mothers to appreciate and deepen our connection to the gifts of the Divine Feminine: creativity, gentleness, intuition, wisdom, and compassion.


Return to Mother Earth: Grounding to Grow & Blossom


Weathering Emotional Storms