Return to Mother Earth: Grounding to Grow & Blossom

I hope you and your family are well and enjoying the beauty of spring. Sitting on my porch, breathing in the fresh air, I am uplifted by the beauty that surrounds me. The vast array of vibrant greenery, bird chirping, gentle breezes and warm sun rays touching my skin fill me with gratitude. Mother Nature has blossomed in a way that has exceeded past years. The much-needed rest She has been given has surely nurtured Her into full bloom.

It has been magical to witness the Earth’s innate healing ability as the toxic fumes and other pollutants we produce have been greatly reduced. The sky is bluer, the air is cleaner, the water clearer, chipmunks and bunnies abound.

We are intimately connected to our planet. Everything we have comes from Mother Earth. She sustains all life, but do we appreciate Her? I think not. Intuitively, I have felt that the current dis-ease we are experiencing is deeply related to our mistreatment of Mother Earth and to the Feminine, in general.  Finally, Mother Earth is saying, “#TimesUp, #MeToo, Enough!”

This is not a punishment, but rather the consequence of our own actions.  We have been given time to reflect and determine the course corrections that are needed.

My intuition was recently affirmed when I watched an interview of Dr. Zach Bush, a scientist, evolutionary thinker, and mystic.  He brilliantly articulated how our massive use of commercial weed killers along with the toxic by-products of the animal farming industry have contributed to our current situation.

Dr. Bush did not attribute the large number of deaths in the United States solely to the result of the coronavirus, but said the virus was participating in the “unmasking of the toxins in our environment.”  The environment is not only external, the air we breathe, the water we drink, etc., but internal, our tissue, organs, our bodies. He suggested that the high death rate is indicative of the high rate of disease that already existed in our country.  As per the United Health Foundation, “Compared with other developed and many developing nations, the United States continues to rank at or near the bottom in indicators of mortality and life expectancy while continuing to exceed other countries in health spending.”

The unmasking of the toxins in our environment is not only related to our health care system, but also to rampant abuse of women at the workplace and in life,  the social and racial injustice that exists in America, police brutality and the corruption we are witnessing in government and politics.

From the microcosm to the macrocosm, our world is being exposed. The cracks in our institutions have been revealed big time.  Are we at a turning point? Is this the dark before the dawn? I hope so.  

What actions are we to take to right our world and our relationship to it and to each other? Each of us needs to ask this question of ourselves to clarify the role we are to play in the evolution of humanity. We must assess how we can best be of service and determine the actions we need to take to become instruments of transformation.

From my perspective, we must begin by righting our relationship with ourselves and Mother Earth.  We must repair our relationship with the Divine Feminine.

Our world has been out of balance for centuries. Male-dominated, our female ancestors, our grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and daughters have been devalued. This not only affects the females of our society; it detrimentally impacts the males in our lives too. For it is the qualities of the Feminine, gentleness, awareness of thoughts and feelings, emotional expression, nurturing, being, intuition, flexibility, cooperation, and wisdom that have been demeaned and suppressed.  

Instead we overvalue, aggression, domination, logic, rational, stoicism, busyness, competition, and scientific knowledge. Boys and men have been taught to deny the feminine aspects of themselves to fit into and survive our world.  When we lose connection with the feminine, we lose connection to our hearts. We think we are separate from the planet and each other.

In losing connection with Mother Earth, we have become ungrounded and disconnected from our bodies. The body is also associated with the Feminine, while the mind is associated with the Masculine. When ungrounded, we feel unsafe, insecure, agitated, and anxious. We can easily be instilled with fear. Instead of taking responsibility for ourselves and the emotional wounds we carry, we blame others.

To remedy our dis-ease we can start by healing our relationship with the Feminine.  We can turn our attention to consciously ground and connect with Mother Earth.  We can appreciate all She provides. Once grounded, we can practice presence and listen to the wisdom of our bodies for guidance and healing.  As we tend to the wounds within, we connect with our resiliency and internal resources. We develop greater compassion for ourselves and others.  The Masculine and Feminine are brought into harmony.

Like a tree, we need to root deeply into Mother Earth to develop a strong trunk. From here, we can branch out and blossom. This is how we grow up.


Birthing A New You: A Labor of Love


Honor Thy Mother